
I. Executive Committee: Advisors

A. Shall consist of 6 active advisors, elected at large, and a elected chairman, secretary, and treasurer for a total of 9 adult members. The responsibilities of the organization as outlined in the bylaws will be divided amongst the 6 at large members immediately after their election at the spring conference.
B. May also have ex officio members representing Standing and Ad Hoc Committees (chairpersons may also be elected members)
C. Where appropriate, student officers shall be appointed to standing committees and Ad Hoc Committees by the chair of that committee.
D. The Executive Committee is empowered to alter these bylaws as needed with a recorded 2/3 vote and notification to all members schools of any changes to Bylaws.

II. Executive Committee Duties and Functions The Executive Committee shall consist of the following 9 positions
A. Executive Committee Chair (duties under Article 7 of Constitution)
B. Secretary (duties under Article 8 of Constitution)
C. Treasurer (duties under Article 9 of Constitution)

D. Student Secretariat (officers) Advisor
1. Acts as advisor to all elected student officers (the Secretariat)
2. Trains officers in all their responsibilities and duties
3. Works with the Committee Chair Advisor to train the Secretariat in the committee chairing process and to monitor all chairing functions at all meetings and conferences.
4. With Chair Advisor sets all dates involving Secretariat and committee chairs
5. Works with State Executive Director to ensure smooth operation of the Secretariat all MUN functions.
6. Works with the Secretariat to present the proposal for Agenda Topics to the Executive Committee and works with the officers to develop the crisis simulations.

E. Student Committee Chair
1. Receives and handles all committee chair applications
2. Organizes training for committee chairs and bloc chairs
3. With Secretariat Advisor trains student officers in committee chairing process and monitors all chairing functions at all meetings and conferences
4. With Secretariat Advisor sets all dates involving committee chairs and Secretariat
5. Works with State Executive Director to ensure smooth operation of the committee chairs throughout the credentials process and at the conference.

F. Credentials Advisor
1. The host teacher for a credentials session shall act as the chief judge for the event.
2. Answers all questions about the credentials process.
3. Works for improvement and consistency within the credentials process
4. Is the final authority subject to appeal to the Executive Committee in all credentials process questions.

G. Ad Hoc Committees Coordinator
1. Handles ad hoc committees as directed by the Executive Committee
2. Big Five Bids: organizes the Big 5 bidding process at the Spring Conference
3. May delegate some of these responsibilities to other advisors

H. New School Resources Advisor

1. Ensures that new school advisors receive training by working with staff and other advisors and that their delegations also get training

2. May be assisted by other experienced advisors

III: Nominations for Executive Committee

A. Nominations for Executive Committee positions: will be accepted from the nominating committee and from the floor by the Chairperson of the Executive Committee. The Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer will produce and count ballots unless they are part of the election process.

IV: Student Officers

A. Qualifications for President

1. must a member in good standing of a member school

2. must have the approval and support of his/her advisor in order to run

3. must be a junior at the time of election and therefore will be a senior during his/her term

B. Qualifications for Vice Presidents

1. must a member in good standing of a member school

2. must have the approval and support of his/her advisor in order to run

C. Qualifications for Under Secretaries

1. must be a member in good standing of a member school

2. must have the approval and support of his/her advisor in order to run

D. Rules governing election of Secretariat Officers.

1. In voting each school will have 10 votes to cast for each officer. Those votes may be split under the principle of one person one vote.

2. A simple majority rule shall apply

E. Removal from Office

1. A state officer may be removed for failure to attend meetings or for any actions detrimental to the welfare and best interests of OHSIRL

2. In all cases should this be done it will be done in consultation with that officer’s school advisor

V. Country Selections

A. Member schools attending the Spring Conference have the opportunity to select one countries in a First Round selection process prior to July 31 of a given year
B. No school may represent the same country two years in a row
C. Second Round country selections occur early in the fall and schools may request one additional country and thereafter as many countries as they would like using the standard of one delegate per committee
D. Subsequent countries are assigned on a first come basis.
E. Fees per country are set by the Executive Committee.
F. A school may have only one Security Council country.

VI. “Big Five”

A. Schools must bid for one of the “Big Five” countries at the Spring Conference.
B. No school may succeed itself with the same “Big Five” country.
C. In order to be awarded a “Big Five” country a school must meet the following qualifications:

1. All committees must be filled (committees may be doublestaffed)

2. Schools must agree to attend both the Fall Conference and the Spring Conference

3. Schools must agree to attend the Spring Conference.

VII. Credentials Review Process

A. Credentials review is the process whereby delegates are encouraged to be thoroughly prepared for the OHSIRL MUN Conference
B. All students are required to complete a credentials review process in order to be authorized to be seated and participate at the Spring Conference.
C. The credentials review process may consist of any of the following

1. An organized multi-school credentialing session

2. Individual school credentialing sessions

3. Provisional credential process-it is possible under special circumstances to pass the oral exam before the paperwork is completed. This process can be instituted at the request of a school advisor and with the consent of the Credentials Chair or his/her designee.

4. In all cases it is the responsibility of the Advisor to attest to the fact that his/her students passed an oral credentials process.

5. Advisors scoring students through the credentials process will utilize the scoring guide adopted by the OHSIRL-MUN program.

D. Each student is required to pick two separate Topics and write a position paper for each topic. (2 papers total) Each position paper must respond to the following questions:

1. What are the current problems related to this topic in the world? Please identify at least two.

2. What has caused the problems to exist in the world? Please identify at least two causes for each problem.

3. What has the United Nations done in attempt to resolve these problems?

4. What is the possible position of other countries in your committee on those problems. Consider at least two other countries

5. How should the United Nations resolve those problems? Make sure that your solution(s) are consistent with your country's position.

E. All big give countries must complete two agenda topics as outlined above but in addition you will need to produce a resolution on the topic of your choice.
G. The results of all credentialing sessions must be forwarded by the chief judges (host teacher) to the information coordinator.

VIII. Committee Chairs

A. Applications for Committee Chairs shall be received by the Student Committee Chair advisor.
B. Committee chairs must take part in a rigorous training program and participate in credential review sessions in order to serve
C. Committee chair training will be coordinated by the Student Committee Chair advisor

IX. Professional Staff Position: year-round positions

A. As deemed appropriate the Executive Committee can enter into contracts to hire person(s) to carry out responsibilities for the organization
B. Professionally hired staff will be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee and any Committee as that Chair so desires.
C. An evaluation report of the staff will be presented by the Professional Staff Evaluation Committee at the Spring Executive Committee Meeting and any appropriate changes may take place at that time.
D. The professional staff may consult with any Committee Chair they so desire to facilitate whatever the Board directs them to do
E. Current position is that of Executive Director who works with the Executive committee to ensure a quality program. His/her duties are outlined in the contract and job descriptions provided and can be changed by direction of the Executive Committee.

Passed by the Executive Board on January 17, 2010 and by the adopted by the schools on April 9, 2010.