Chris Allen Advisor Award
What is it?
The Executive Board of the Oregon High School Model United Nations Program desiring to honor the years of service provided by Christine Allen to the model does hereby create the Christine Allen Memorial Advisor’s Award.
1. Nominations can come from students and/or advisors.
2. Nominees must be an adult but do not necessarily have to be a student advisor.
3. Award will be based on service to an individual club or the model as a whole.
4. Nominations must be turned in to OPI by 6 PM on Friday.
5. Selection of the recipient will be made by the student secretariat.
6. Award will be presented at the closing general session.
7. A permanent record of award recipients will be maintained and included in the program of the conference each year.
Previous Award Winners
2009- Hope Stevens, Oregon Episcopal School
2010- Ryan Rosenau, Lakeridge High School
2011- Andrew Duden, Lake Oswego High School
2012- Arden Eby, Wilsonville High School
2013- Ron Sobel, Caitlin Gabel High School
2014- Steve Smith, Eugene International High School
2015- Robin Ippoloti, Ashbrook Independent High School (Posthumously)
2015- Lyman Miller, Sherwood High School
2016- Matthew McKinnon, Ashland High School
2017- Todd Jones, West Linn High School
2018 - Patty Gorman, St. Mary’s Acadamy (Portland) & Chad Carlson, One Stone High School
2019 - Jon Pugsley, Ashbrook Independent School & Jason Wegner, Cascade Christian High School
2020 - Erin Brisbin & Erik Knoedler, McMinnville High School
2021 - Alex Stegner, Lincoln High School
2022 - Dennis McLain, Sunset High School
2023 - Lisa Walker, Ida B. Wells
Matthew McKinnon and Traci Earhart